clean and jerk

美 [ˌkliːn ən ˈdʒɜːrk]英 [ˌkliːn ən ˈdʒɜːk]
  • n.(举重)挺举
clean and jerkclean and jerk


an exercise in weightlifting in which a bar with weights is lifted to the shoulder, and then raised above the head


a weightlift in which the barbell is lifted to shoulder height and then jerked overhead
Synonym: clean


  1. He set 80 world records and was the first person to lift 500 pounds in the clean and jerk .


  2. Now weightlifting meets include two events , the snatch and the clean and jerk .


  3. Li stood on one leg while lifting 166kg – nearly three times his own body weight – with his right leg sticking out in his opening clean and jerk in the men 's 61kg category .


  4. Look at that picture . A weightlifter doing a clean and jerk .


  5. Lifters perform two types of lifts-the snatch and the clean and jerk .


  6. Weightlifting consists of two movements executed in a standard order : first the snatch and then the clean and jerk .


  7. Look , Zhan Xugang is doing a clean and jerk .


  8. Akmudov tries to lift more than 1500 pounds , triple the world record in the clean and jerk , except for one small problem .


  9. The snatch is technically more challenging than the clean and jerk . Snatch heavy weights takes a lot of skill .


  10. The results showed that the frequently occurring parts of trauma in clean and jerk are low back , shoulder elbow and knee joint ( 77.5 % );


  11. Actually the 300 kilograms is the total of the weights she raised both in the snatch and the clean and jerk .


  12. Conclusions : ( 1 ) Raises barbel phase : Huang Zhong adopted narrow grip when he did the three clean and jerk .


  13. Remarkably , it then bit the caterpillar and lifted it above its head in a ' clean and jerk ' weightlifting action .


  14. The kinematic and EMG data indicates that the biomechanical characters of clean and jerk for ordinary male athletes are different when they lift different weights of bar .


  15. Now weightlifting meets include two events , the snatch and the clean and jerk . Do you folks hold any celeBrations to mark the holiday ?


  16. And one more thing , both techniques can also be used in the clean and jerk . But the lifter must finish with his body erect , holding the barbell overhead .


  17. Li stood on one leg while lifting 166kg - nearly three times his own body weight - with his right leg sticking out in his opening clean and jerk in the men 's 61kg category .


  18. But in the clean and jerk , the barbell is raised to the shoulder height , held there briefly , and then pushed overhead in a rapid motion of the arms .


  19. Likewise with Ilya Ilyin , a suspended two-time Olympic champion from Kazakhstan , who is the Barry Bonds of the clean and jerk .


  20. Here the consumer plays an important role . In some competitions , the winner is the lifter who has successfully lifted the highest combined total of weights in the snatch and the clean and jerk .


  21. The 28-year-old , known for his unique " flamingo " lifting technique in which he raises one leg for superior balance , scored a total of 313kg after impressive snatch and clean and jerk performances .


  22. In the clean and jerk landing time , a sudden big stride forward under the hind legs crouched low , hind legs stretched out after too long , easy to cause the heel lift not , go against the back of the arrows step the leg .


  23. That means that someone trying to burst from the starting blocks , blast out a ballistic first tennis serve , clean and jerk a laden barbell , block a basketball shot , or even tick off a fleet opening mile in a marathon will be ill served by stretching first .
